Compère, Loyset: O genetrix gloriosa

for 4 voices or instruments.

This Marian motet by Loyset Compère (c.1445-1518) only survives complete in Petrucci´s first collection of motets, his Motetti A numero trentatre (Venice, 1502), though it appears in an incomplete form in three manuscripts in Milan, the so-called Gafurius codices, which suggests a composition date of around 1475, during the time that Compère was in the service of Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Duke of Milan. The text is a compilation of text fragments relating to the Virgin Mary. It does not seem as if any cantus firmus is involved.
This motet is simpler in style than some of Compère´s other works, with much pairing of the voices rather than conventional imitation The reason for the difference is presumably to do with the fact that it was composed during Compère´s relatively short period in Italy, where Netherlandish counterpoint tended to be tempered with more obviously vocal writing and simpler text setting.
In this edition the original note values have been halved throughout. Original accidentals are taken as applying to the whole bar, with cautionary accidentals in brackets where necessary; purely editorial accidentals are printed small above the stave, applying to the one note only.

Produkt-ID: LPM-EML348

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