Cembali, Klavichorde

Nagel, Konrad: Klavizitherium - selbst gebaut

Anleitung zum Entwurf und Bau eines reizvollen Kielflügels. 104 Seiten mit 7 Tafeln und 13 Abbildungen. Kartoniert.
21,00 EUR (inkl. 7% MwSt.)


Pietsch, Hans Christian: Grundlagen

Cembalospiels. 2. Auflage 2004, 352 Seiten mit etwa 300 Notenbeispielen, Format 17 x 24 cm, kartoniert.
49,00 EUR (inkl. 7% MwSt.)


Rose, Malcolm / Law, David: A Handbook

of Historical Stringing Practice for Keyboard Instruments. This book, intended s a source of information for all those concerned with early keyboard instruments, has been compiled with the help of...
59,90 EUR (inkl. 7% MwSt.)


Saint-Lambert: Principes du Clavecin, Paris 1702

Deutsche Übersetzung und Kommentar von Claudia Schweitzer
15,50 EUR (inkl. 7% MwSt.)


The Historical Harpsichord Vol. I

The contents of the first volume of the series include a posthumous publication of Frank Hubbard's, a detailed study of the surviving instruments from the famous Blanchet workshop in 18th-century P...
60,00 EUR (inkl. 7% MwSt.)


The Historical Hapsichord Vol. II

One of the central mysteries of the craft of harpsichord-making involves the choice of stringing material. Years of research by a number of distinguished scientists under the guidance of senior aut...
46,00 EUR (inkl. 7% MwSt.)


The Historical Hapsichord Vol. III

The third volume in The Historical Harpsichord-Essays in Honor of Frank Hubbard series contains two studies of major importance. The name Bartolomeo Cristofori is immediately identified with the in...
0,00 EUR (inkl. 7% MwSt.)


The Historical Hapsichord Vol. IV

Volume IV of The Historical Harpsichord will contain two monographs of major importance, "Harpsichord Decoration-A Conspectus" by Sheridan Germann, and "A Fable Deconstructed--The 1770 Taskin at Ya...
54,00 EUR (inkl. 7% MwSt.)


Wagner, Georg: Cembalo- und Clavichordbau

Bibliographie 1830-1985: 108 Seiten, kartoniert.
38,00 EUR (inkl. 7% MwSt.)


Zur Geschichte des Hammerklaviers

1996, 184 Seiten.
20,30 EUR (inkl. 7% MwSt.)


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