Lassus (Lasso), Orlande de: Matona mia cara

for 4 voices or instruments.

Lassus´ Matona mia cara is printed here after Libro de villanelle, Moresche et altre canzoni a 4, 5, 6 & 8 voci Di Orlando di Lasso, published in Paris by Le Roy and Ballard in 1581; the piece itself was probably composed well before that date.
This is a very broadly comic piece, in which a lanzo (German or Swiss mercenary soldier) crudely serenades his intended victim in broken Italian. As in many of the Florentine carnival songs of around 1500 featuring the lanzi, the singer has difficulty in pronouncing the letter “v”, which comes out as an “f”, so we have “follere” for “volere”; and the unfortunate slob seems to only know one form of all verbs, that of the infinitive.
In this edition the original note values have been halved. One or two editorial accidentals have been added: they appear in the usual way above the stave. Obviously a purely vocal performance hinges on the delivery of the words. In a purely instrumental performance the [don don don] refrains need be much lighter than the verses.

Produkt-ID: LPM-EML212

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