Caprioli, Antonio: 2 Frottole

(Quella bella bianco mano, Una leggiadra ninfa) for 4 voices or instruments.

These two songs are taken from books of frottole published in Venice by Ottaviano Petrucci: Una leggiadra nimpha is from the Libro Nono of 1508, Quella bella e biancha mano from the Libro Octavo of the previous year. Nothing at all is known about Caprioli, except that he hailed from Brescia. In all there are 18 songs of his in the Petrucci prints of the 1500s; many of these have especially appealing melodies.
In no. 1 the pause at the end of bar 18 probably indicates that the last line should be performed only at the end of the final verse. A voice and lute version of no. 2 has survived in Franciscus Bessinensis' Libro Secondo of 1511 (facs. ed. Minkoff, complete modern edition in Benvenuto Disertori, Le Frottole per canto e liuto intabulate da Franciscus Bossinensis, Milan, 1964).
In this edition the original note values have been halved. Original accidentals are taken as applying to the whole bar, but purely editorial ones, printed small above the stave, affect only the note to which they apply. I am grateful to Alan Robson for editing and translating the texts of these songs.
These pieces can be performed by a solo voice accompanied by 3 viols, or solo lute, or a mixture of instruments. They can also be performed purely instrumentally, on consorts of recorders or viols, or on a solo recorder or flute with string accompaniment.

Produkt-ID: LPM-EML102

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