Easy Viol Consorts Series: Six part music Bool 2

for TrTrTTBB, score and parts

Aimed at lower intermediate standard players, these 6 part pieces (14 in Book 1, 9 in Book 2) are mostly in first position. Book 1 features all English and German music; Book 2 continues this, but adds a lovely Italian madrigal by Marenzio, and a few more semiquavers. Aimed at lower intermediate standard players, these 6 part pieces (14 in Book 1, 9 in Book 2) are mostly in first position. Book 1 features all English and German music; Book 2 continues this, but adds a lovely Italian madrigal by Marenzio, and a few more semiquavers. Aimed at lower intermediate standard players, these 6 part pieces (14 in Book 1, 9 in Book 2) are mostly in first position. Book 1 features all English and German music; Book 2 continues this, but adds a lovely Italian madrigal by Marenzio, and a few more semiquavers.

Produkt-ID: SAR-SM084

Lieferbar in 1-2 Wochen

24,40 EUR

inkl. 7% MwSt.

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