Engelmannn: Paduana & Gagliarda

on "Parson´s Farewell/La Bourée" for 5 instruments.

Georg Engelmann was born around 1575; he seems to have spent his working life in Leipzig, and died in that city in 1632. He published three books of pavans and galliards; the present pair of pieces comes from his Fasciculus concentuum cujusmodi paduanas et galliardas... secundus of 1617.
The Faduana: Soldat is based on the popular dance tune usually known as “La Bourrée”, which has come down in the well-known 4-part setting by Michael Praetorius (pub. in LPM DM1 1), and a 6-part one in the Philidor collection (pub. LPM TM70); Valerius´ Neder-Landsche Gedenck-Clank (Haarlem, 1626) contains a setting with the text “Ghy die tot een Open-Held”, and the melody turns up in Jacob van Eyck´s Der Fluyten Lust-Hof as “Stil, stil een reys”. The tune also appears in Playford´s The English Dancing Master, with the title “Parson´s Farewell”. Towards the end of the seventeenth century it was quoted in Heinrich SchmeIzer´s Polish Bagpipes for violins.
In this edition the original note values have been preserved throughout. No editorial accidentals have been found necessary; also, the original print seems to be quite free of mistakes.
This music was probably intended primarily for instruments of the violin family, but can also work effectively on recorders, or on cornetts, sackbuts and curtals.

Produkt-ID: LPM-EML189

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