Rore, Cipriano de: Tutto lo di

for 3 voices or instruments.

This madrigal by Cipriano de Rore (1516-1565) survives in a collection of instrumental music, the Fantesie, et recerchari a tre voci, accomodate da cantare et sonare per ogni instrumento, Composte da M. Giuliano Tiburtino da Tievoli ..., Venice, Girolamo Scotto, 1549 (all of Tiburtino´s pieces, and all those by Willaert in the same collection, will be included in our series Italian Instrument of the Renaissance). Tutto il dì is one of a small handful of three-part pieces by Rore, most of whose madrigals are in four or five parts. The layouts of the parts is aslo unusual, with two equal upper parts and a third part of tenor range. But the level of invention and counterpoint is very much what one would expect from Rore, the most gifted madrigal composer of his generation.
In this edition the original note values have been halved. A few editorial accidentals appear printed above the stave; these apply to the one note only. I am grateful to Ambra Morosini for providing a translation of the text.
An anlternative version of this work, transposed down a fourth, to fit on a TTB combination, is available as 342a.

Produkt-ID: LPM-EML342

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