Purcell, Henry: Vierzehn Kanons

für gleiche Stimmen. Neuausgabe mit den originalen Texten für drei Blockflöten (SSS oder TTT), hg. Küchmann.

Inhalt: Bartholomew Fair; An Ape, a Lion, a Fox and an Ass; Bring the Bowl and Cool Nantz; When 5 and 1 Together Meet; Now, Now we are Met; God Save our Sovereign Charles; Let us Drink to the Blades; Great Apollo and Bacchus; 'Tis too Late for a Coach; Full Bags; Down, Down with Bacchus; Tom Making a Manteau; Prithee Ben´t so Dad and Serious; Sum up all the Delights. Schwierigkeitsgrad 2.

Produkt-ID: MOE-EM0045

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