Franck, Melchior: 4 Pavans

for 5 instruments.

These two pavans by Melchior Franck come from his Newe Pavanen Galliarden unnd Intraden, auff allerley Instrumenten zu musicieren, mit vier fünff und sechs Stimmen gesetzt, Coburg, 1603. Unfortunately, as is the case with so many Franck collections, the only complete surviving copy of this print was lost in the 1939-45 war, so I have had to follow Franz Bölsche´s transcription in Denkmäler Deutscher Tonkunst, Erste Folge, XVI: Melchior Franck und Valentin Haussmann, AusgewähIte Instrumentalwerke, 1904, in which the original note values have been preserved. I have, however, altered the barring in two of the pieces.
These works make full use of multiple suspensions and sudden changes of mood, and require an expressive performing style. They are suitable for strings (either violin family or viols), cornetts, sackbuts and curtals, and recorders.


4,90 EUR

Produkt-ID: LPM-EML255  

inkl. 7% MwSt.

Lieferbar in 3-5 Werktagen  
Anzahl:   St

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